DVD - Top 100 Raw Moments (3 DVD) (Pari al nuovo)

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Since 1993, Monday Night RAW has delivered non-stop thrills, action and controversy to the WWE Universe. Now, after hitting 1,000 episodes, WWE counts down the definitive 100 moments of the longest-running, weekly episodic programme in US TV history. Fans of all eras can enjoy the most memorable exploits of all their favourite WWE heroes…


# 100 - Silent Stare – 21st February,2011

# 99 – Tea Time with Santino – 8th November, 2010

# 98 – Evolution Kicks Out Randy Orton – 16th August, 2004

# 97 – WrestleMania XIV Challenge – 2nd March, 1998

# 96 – Mouth –to –Mouth – 27th May, 1996

# 95 – Sheamus Puts Mark Cuban Through Table – 7th December, 2009

# 94 – Are You Ready for Some Wrestling? - 22nd November, 2004

# 93 – DX Mocks the McMahons- 26th June, 2006

# 92 – Tuxedo Match – 9th January, 1995

# 91 – Seth Green is the First Celebrity Host – 13th July, 2009

# 90 – Snitsky Punts Kane and Lita’s Baby – 8th November, 2004

# 89 – Shawn Michaels Superkicks Hulk Hogan- 4th July, 2005

# 88 – Mr. McMahon Trains for the Royal Rumble - 11th January, 1999

# 87 – Loser-Leaves-Raw Ladder Match – 3rd October, 2005

# 86 – Mr. McMahon is Bald – 2nd April, 2007

# 85 – The Rock’s Eulogy for Stone Cold – 19th April, 1999

# 84 - Santino Marella: Milan Miracle – 16th April, 2007

# 83 – Mr. McMahon’s Birthday Bash with DX – 24th August, 2009

# 82 – Marty Jannetty vs. Shawn Michaels – 17th May, 1993

# 81 – Edge’s Retirement Speech – 11th April, 2011

# 80 – Triple H Takes Over DX - 30th March, 1998

# 79 – Hugh Jackman Punches Dolph Ziggler – 19th September, 2011

# 78 – Musical Chairs – 5th July, 2004

# 77 – Big Show’s First Match – 22nd March, 1999

# 76 – An Hour in England – 23rd April, 2007

# 75 – Loser-Leaves-Town Match – 25th January, 1993

# 74 – Triple H and Shawn Michaels Reunite DX – 22nd July, 2002

# 73 – CM Punk Cashes in Money in the Bank – 30th June, 2008

# 72 – Stephanie Announces Her Pregnancy - 11th February, 2002

# 71 – Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold - Street Fight – 21st April, 1997

# 70 – Floyd Mayweather Confronts Big Show – 10th March, 2008

# 69 – Kofi Kingston… Boom! Boom! Boom ! – 16th November, 2009

# 68 – Hornswoggle is Mr. McMahon’s Son - 10th September, 2007

# 67 – Y2J Throws HBK Into Jeritron 5000 – 9th June, 2008

# 66 – Cemented Corvette – 12th October, 1998

# 65 – Donald Trump Crashes Raw – 29th January, 2007

# 64 – Shawn Michaels Farewell Speech – 29th March, 2010

# 63 – The Rock Makes Fun of Toronto – 24th February, 2003

# 62 – Bob Barker Hosts Raw - 7th September, 2009

# 61 – Greater Power Revealed – 7th June, 1999

# 60 – Intercontinental Title Over a Bridge – 15th December, 1997

# 59 – Dumpster Incident – 2nd February, 1998

# 58 – Miz Cashes in Money in the Bank - 22nd November, 2010

# 57 – U.S. vs. Canada Flag Match – 21st July, 1997

# 56 – Ric Flair Retirement Celebration – 31st March, 2008

# 55 – Lita vs. Trish Stratus– 6th December, 2004

# 54 – Chris Jericho “Wins” the WWE Championship – 17th April, 2000

# 53 – Dude Love Debuts – 14th July, 1997

# 52 – John Cena vs. Kevin Federline – 1st January, 2007

# 51 – Goldberg Debuts – 31st March, 2003

# 50 - Brock Lesnar Returns to Raw – 2nd April, 2012

# 49 – Formation of Evolution – 3rd February, 2003

# 48 – DX Reunion at Raw 1000 – 23rd July, 2012

# 47 – Shaq Attacks Big Show – 27th July, 2009

# 46 – Mankind Attacks Jim Ross – 9th June, 1997

# 45 – Rock vs. Cena – One Year Away – 4th April, 2011

# 44 – Bret Hart Shoves Mr. McMahon – 17th March, 1997

# 43 – Vader Attacks Gorilla Monsoon – 22nd January, 1996

# 42 – Jeff Hardy Swanton off Tron – 14th January, 2008

# 41 – Stone Cold Drives Zamboni – 28th September, 1998

# 40 – Choppy Choppy Pee Pee – 3rd August, 1998

# 39 – Mike Tyson Joins DX – 2nd March, 1998

# 38 – Batista Quits the WWE – 24th May, 2010

# 37 – “Bret Screwed Bret” – 17th November, 1997

# 36 – D-Generation X Forms – 11th August, 1997

# 35 – Nexus Wreak Havoc – 7th June, 2010

# 34 - Live Sex Celebration - 9th January, 2006

# 33 – Mr. McMahon vs. Stone Cold – 13th April, 1998

# 32 – The Rock Challenges Hulk Hogan – 18th February, 2002

# 31 – Stone Cold Stuns Mr. McMahon – 22nd September, 1997

# 30 – DX Invades Norfolk Scope - 27th April, 1998

# 29 – Debut of Monday Night Raw – 11th January, 1993

# 28 – Mae Young Powerbombed – 13th March, 2000

# 27 – WCW/ECW Alliance – 9th July, 2001

# 26 – The Rock Returns – 14th February, 2011

# 25 – Bedpan McMahon - 5th October, 1998

# 24 – Bret Hart Returns to Raw – 4th January, 2011

# 23 – Triple H Returns to Raw – 7th January, 2002

# 22 – Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy - 1st July, 2002

# 21 – Kurt Angle Milk Truck – 20th August, 2001

# 20 – 1-2-3 Kid Upsets Razor Ramon – 17th May, 1993

# 19 – Batista Turns on Evolution – 21st February, 2005

# 18 – Foley Wins WWE Championship – 4th January, 1999

# 17 – Bischoff – New Raw GM – 15th July, 2002

# 16 – Shawn Michaels Loses His Smile – 13th February, 1997

# 15 – Sable Wears a Potato Sack – 8th December, 1997

# 14 – Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night – 11th July, 2007

# 13 – Pillman’s Got a Gun – 4th November, 1996

# 12 – Vegas Wedding – 29th November, 1999

# 11 – Kane Unmasks – 23rd June, 2003

# 10 – WrestleMania 26 Challenge – 22nd February, 2010

# 9 – Raw/Nitro Simulcast – 26th March, 2001

# 8 – Rock Concert – 24th March, 2003

# 7 – DX Mocks the Nation – 6th July, 1998

# 6 – #1 Draft Pick – 6th June, 2005

# 5 – Pipe Bomb - 27th June, 2011

# 4 – Tyson and Austin – 19th January, 1998

# 3 – Millennium Man – 9th August, 1999

# 2 – This is your Life – 27th September, 1999

# 1 – Beer Bath – 22nd March, 1999


Mr. McMahon Introduces D-Generation

Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara & Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio

AJ prepares for her Wedding

Jack Swagger vs. Brodus Clay

Trish Stratus gives lessons to Triple H

Daniel Bryan & AJ’s Wedding

CM Punk Confronts Daniel Bryan

Intercontinental Championship Match with Special Guest Referee Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart

Christian vs. The Miz

Triple H wants an answer

The Saga of Stone Cold Steve Austin & Mr. McMahon

Heath Slater vs. Lita

Sean Mooney Interviews Daniel Bryan

Catchphrases of the WWE

Zack Ryder accuses Mean Gene

The Brothers of Destruction Reunite

WWE Championship Match

CM Punk vs. John Cena

The Making of RAW 1000

Rocky Waters


One Man Band

Piven Hosts RAW

Sheamus wins King of the Ring

Shawn Michaels Mocks Montreal