Ordering from abroad

International customers are welcome !

How you can order

You can place your order on our website . We accept Paypal, Credit Cards and Bank Tranfer.  If you have any issues ordering on the website or need specific instructions please feel free to contact us. We speak english.

Shipping & Handling

Wrestlingstore.it ships to most European Union countries at a flat rate

Shipping charge is Euro 12,99 to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France (except Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse), Germany, Luxemburg, Netherlands

Shipping charge is Euro 19,99 to Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Lathvia, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary

Shipping charge is Euro 24,95 to Croatia, Greece, Ireland, France (Limited to Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse)

Our minimum order requirement is € 24,90 plus shipping fees. No exceptions.


We accept credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), Paypal and Bank Tranfer (all fees covered by the customer).

Return policy
Any failed or defective items will be replaced or refunded. Any other return will be refunded after all costs have been covered.

**Due to the the new EPR regulations enforced on 01.01.2024, we are currently not offering shipping to Spain