Undertaker: This is my Yard
In the Beginning
History Makers
The Dark Side
American Bad Ass
…In Texas
My Yard
So Far…
Special Features
vs. Shawn Michaels
Badd Blood 5.10.1997
vs. Kane
WrestleMania XIV 29.3.1998
vs. Kane
Unforgiven 26.4.1998
vs. Kurt Angle
Fully Loaded 23.7.2000
vs. Triple H
WrestleMania X-7 1.4.2001
Mick Foley: Hard Knocks & Cheap Pops
Al Snow
Rock ‘n’ Sock Connection
Cactus Jack Returns
Royal Rumble 2K Street Fight
No Way Out 2K Hell in the Cell
WrestleMania 2K
Commissioner Foley is Here!
The Cheap Pop Story
Edge & Christian with the Commish
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
Commissioner Foley’s Agenda
The Commissioner as Enforcer
Foley vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Foley vs. Mr McMahon
The Legacy of Mick Foley
Mankind vs. Shawn Michaels
In Your House: Mind Games, September 1996
Mankind vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Raw is War, November 1996
Mankind vs. The Rock
Halftime Heat, January 1999
Dude Love vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
In Your House: Over The Edge, May 1998
Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man
Unforgiven, September 1999
Pop Music
Commissioner Foley
Dude Love
Cactus Jack